Looking for info about something in particular?
This section will have some additional info on how to make your scout, scout ready. See the sub-sections of this area for information.
General questions and answers about Cub Scouts can be found here:
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Cub Scouting is inexpensive when compared to the typical costs to play sports or participate in other extracurricular activities that boys can be involved in at this age:
Annual membership fee: $75 (prorated if joining in the middle of the year) + $25 one-time joining fee
Uniform (one-time): $83-$135 (new)
Handbook: $17 (yearly)
Memories shared with your scout: PRICELESS
Q: Does my child have to attend St. Victor Church or be a student at St. Victor School?
A: Not at all! Cub Scout Pack 165 welcomes boys and girls of all faiths, from any school, who meet the age requirement for Cub Scouts.
Q: How do I sign up?
A: To register, go to our pack's online membership form at https://my.bsa.us/055paa0165mb. Payment can be made by credit card directly through the site. You will need to create a my.scouting.org account for yourself prior to check out (if you don't have one already). Your account will give you access to manage you and/or your youth's involvement in Scouting.
Q: Where do I get the uniform and handbook?
A: Uniform items and the handbook can be purchased at the South Bay Scout Shop located at 970 W. Julian St., San Jose.
Hours of operation and phone numbers can be found at their website here:
Q: Where can I get patches sewn on the uniform?
A: We recommend Sunshine Cleaners and Alterations at 1442 Franklin St., Santa Clara.
Q: When and where are meetings held?
A: Pack meetings are normally held on the second Friday evening of the month in the Parish Hall of St. Victor Church (3108 Sierra Rd. San Jose) during the school year. Pack meeting dates and times can be found on our Events page. Den meeting schedules are determined by individual den leaders who work with families to determine the best days and times that work for everyone.
Q: How long do meetings last?
A: Den meeting times depend on how often meetings are held during the month, but normally last no longer than an hour.
Q: What if my scout misses a meeting?
A: Scouts should do their best to attend all den and pack meetings, but it is understandable when schedule conflicts or other reasons prevent a scout from being able to attend a meeting. In those situations, contact your den leader for guidance on how to make up the missed requirements. Missing too many meetings could be discouraging for your scout if he or she falls too far behind the rest of the den on progress towards the rank badge.
Q: What do Cub Scouts do?
A: To get an idea of what Cub Scouts do, check out the photo section here!
or check out the main home page for more photos at:
Q: How do I complete the San Jose Diocese mandated Safe Environment training?
A: Go to https://www.virtusonline.org/
1. Click FIRST-TIME REGISTRANT, then Begin The Registration Process.
2. On the resulting page, select San Jose (Diocese).
3. Enter your Primary Location as Saint Victor Parish (San Jose) as Volunteer.
Registration instructions can be found here.
***Parents are required to complete Protecting God's Children® Online Maltreatment Awareness Session 3.2_San Jose
every three years. When complete, please provide a pdf copy of your certificate to the cubmaster at cubmastersvpack165@gmail.com.
Q: How do I get fingerprinted?
A: If you have volunteered in any capacity for any St. Victor events, you may already be fingerprinted. You can call and check with Ali Dumanig in the St. Victor Parish Office (her direct line is 408-928-1638). If you have not been fingerprinted, you will need to be fingerprinted and cleared through a company called Verify Group located at 262 E. Hamilton Avenue, Campbell CA (408-761-2156). Call for an appointment or just walk-in any Tuesday through Friday after 1:30pm. There is a $20 charge and will need to be paid in cash to Verify Group. Be sure to tell them you are with St. Victor Parish and not St. Victor School. Once you have been scanned, they will give you a copy of the Request for Live Scan Service form. Provide a copy of this form to Ali Dumanig and retain a copy for your records.
Q: I’ve been fingerprinted through another agency; do I have to be fingerprinted again?
A: Yes; since results of the background check cannot be shared, St. Victor Parish will not have access to your background check information from another agency.